(614) 334-3300

About BCI in Cincinnati, OH

BCI’s Cincinnati Office has been a proud partner at Wright Pat Air Force Base (WPAFB) where we provide the Siemens Talon system.  BCI’s presence at WPAFB has been a long standing relationship where we have been upgrading the controls in their facilities for over 12 years.  In addition, we have installed controls in over a dozen facilities at Miami University.

Welcome to BCI Controls: Cincinnati’s Pioneers in Building Control Integrations

BCI Controls is at the forefront of driving innovation in building control integrations across Cincinnati, Ohio. We’re dedicated to transforming buildings into efficient, intelligent, and sustainable spaces, offering cutting-edge solutions tailored to Cincinnati’s architectural diversity and environmental dynamics.


Empowering Buildings for Optimal Performance

Optimize your Cincinnati-based facility with BCI Controls’ groundbreaking building control integrations. Our skilled team excels in seamlessly integrating various systems – HVAC, lighting, security, and more – into an interconnected framework that maximizes energy efficiency and operational functionality. Through intuitive automation and vigilant monitoring, we craft environments prioritizing comfort, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness for Cincinnati’s diverse building infrastructure.


Collaborative Solutions, Enduring Impact

At BCI Controls, we believe in fostering collaborative partnerships in Cincinnati. From initial design to continuous support, our dedicated team collaborates closely with architects, engineers, and facility managers to develop integrations that align seamlessly with your building’s unique needs. Our commitment extends beyond implementation; we provide ongoing support, ensuring your integrated systems operate flawlessly, empowering Cincinnati’s buildings to adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Our Offerings Encompass

  • Customized System Integrations: Tailored solutions merging various building systems for superior performance.
  • Energy Efficiency Solutions: Sustainable energy management strategies for Cincinnati’s buildings.
  • Smart Automation Solutions: Intuitive automation enhancing comfort, efficiency, and productivity.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Ongoing support and maintenance for uninterrupted functionality.

Experience the evolution of building control integrations with BCI Controls in Cincinnati, Ohio. Let us be your partner in creating smarter, more efficient, and sustainable environments that set new benchmarks in building excellence.

Facility Automation Services Cincinnati, Ohio

Looking to streamline your facility’s operations in Cincinnati, OH? Look no further than BCI Controls for cutting-edge facility automation services. Our comprehensive solutions leverage state-of-the-art technology to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize performance across your facility. With our expertise in facility automation, we empower businesses to stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.


At BCI Controls, we understand the unique needs of modern facilities, and our tailored automation services are designed to meet those demands. Whether you’re looking to automate HVAC systems, lighting, security, or energy management, our team has the knowledge and experience to implement solutions that align with your goals. With our facility automation services, you can achieve greater control, increased productivity, and enhanced comfort for occupants.


Experience the benefits of advanced facility automation with BCI Controls in Cincinnati, OH. Our proven track record and commitment to innovation make us the ideal partner for your automation needs. From design and installation to ongoing support and maintenance, we’re here to help you maximize the potential of your facility with our comprehensive automation solutions. Let BCI Controls be your trusted partner in facility automation, and take your operations to the next level.

Facility automation services in Cincinnati, Ohio

Energy Management Services in Cincinnati, Ohio

Embark on an innovative journey in Cincinnati, Ohio with BCI Controls leading the way. As the go-to provider of energy management services, we’re committed to reshaping the way businesses optimize energy usage, trim costs, and embrace sustainability. Whether you’re operating a bustling commercial hub or a sprawling industrial complex, our tailored solutions are meticulously crafted to suit your unique needs, delivering tangible results and lasting value.


At BCI Controls, we’re passionately dedicated to crafting a greener future while maximizing operational efficiency. From thorough energy audits to cutting-edge building automation systems and ongoing monitoring and optimization, our comprehensive suite of services covers every aspect. With our seasoned team of experts guiding the way, we’ll collaborate closely with you to assess your current energy consumption, identify areas ripe for improvement, and deploy customized strategies to meet your objectives. With a proven track record of success, BCI Controls is poised to help you engineer a more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective energy management solution for your Cincinnati-based enterprise.


Seize the opportunity to take charge of your energy future with BCI Controls and unlock the vast potential of your Cincinnati facility. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and experience firsthand how our innovative solutions can help you reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and champion sustainability for years to come.

energy management services in Cincinnati, Ohio

Building Control Integrators

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